教法 Awam Ogmin  

利美正見 – 鞋子論

Great shoes

利美正見 – 鞋子論

You have shoes and then you can go out, walking on the mountains. You are taking good care of your feet.


Good shoes or expensive shoes, it does not matter. You are caring for your feet. This is most important.

無論鞋的質素如何或價格如何? 這個都不是一個重點,重點是其是否有效地,恰到好處的保護我們的腳板。

Big shoes, good qualities and expensive shoes, children never use because they are too big. These are useless. Children and babies need small shoes, soft and more comfortable on their feet.


Anyway, we have the Great Perfection, Great Shamatha, Great view. But Samsara people do not understand and do not like these because they are too big for them.


Feet are not all the same. Babies, children, teenagers, young adults, and older people do no not all have the same feet. All are different. And so, they need different shoes.


Some people say do Rime. And yet people are all different. The shoes they need are all different. Humans are all different and have different needs. Nothing is Rime. Talking is easy.

話說回來,有些人時常將「利美」掛在口邊,誤將「如一」的做法,誤解為「利美」的精粹;順利成章將所有見地,合理化地統一下來 。完全忽略了眾生的不同種類需求,就好像一個鞋款要穿上所有人的腳形上一般。

Children’s shoes are all different. In Tibetan Buddhism there are 9 Yanas. Respecting each of these is very important. However, if we say these are all the same, this is not true, not Rime.


Of course, there are phenomena, and the nature of phenomenon is the same. But this does not mean everything is the same. Samsara and Nirvana are not the same.


For this reason, Buddha said there are 84,000 different types of people to benefit. And it is important to respect all these different types of people and their needs.


Most important is Awam – the Union of Wisdom and Compassion. This is the root of Buddhism, all of Buddha’s teachings.


If you understand Awam, really take time to understand, then you are 100% excellent.


Inner Awam. Khenchen Lama

